Thursday, July 19, 2007

Absolutely Brilliant

I just saw the latest Harry Potter movie (Order of the Phoenix) and I was incredibly impressed. Since first reading the books in fourth grade, I've practically been obsessed. I was so glad to see that the film did justice to the book... the fifth book is my favorite and the movie was fabulous! I know I saw it a week after release, but I loved it! Definitely one of my new favorite movies... and I really enjoyed the maturing acting by the lead characters! Job very well done!


Anonymous said...

Harry is my favorite potter! I luvs him, and you luvs him, too. Admit it, yo dawg! -- Ron

Anonymous said...

I loved Harry Potter. Definately the best movie yet! Personally, I have never gotten into the Potter sensation but I was really into the movie. Much better acting.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely brilliant?! Those words are reserved to describe films and works of art that are masterpieces (i.e. "Braveheart", "Titanic", "Terminator 2: Judgement Day"). Listen up, Maddie: the new Harry Potter movie is probably the worst movie I've seen this year. Boring! It is too slow. There is very little character development. The special effects are weak (the giant looks like Shrek). C'mon! Separate yourself from those stupid books and evaluate the film for what it is - another excuse for Warner Bros. to capitalize on a franchise that is six parts too long. Seriously, this story could have been told in one book. To all the knuckleheads who read this blog: go to if you wanna see some real storytelling.
